Is Your SEO Strategy Prepared for Google's New Algorithm?

Last fall, Google carried out one of its largest changes of the past 10 years-an altogether new search algorithm, nicknamed "Hummingbird." In contrast to previous updates, Panda and Penguin, which altered existing search algorithms and impacted about 2 to 5% of search queries, Hummingbird is thought to have impacted nearly 90% of all queries and had a significant impact on how the motor processes user requests.

Try not to do catchphrase research--do statistical surveying. As Google continues to advance, obviously conventional watchword research--as in, the measurement of volume and rivalry metrics for individual, granular search queries--is on its way out. Google currently cares less about whether you've enhanced every individual page on your site to a specific catchphrase and more about whether your page's substance answers the question presented by the search user.

Instead of wasting time trying to find the enchanted mix of catchy metrics that will guarantee you normal search traffic, think about the questions your users have about your industry and brand.Then, ensure your website's substance plainly answers these questions so that it's easily understood by the search engines and provides additional value to your visitors. Want to know more then contact SEO Service wellington by clicking on the link or else send us your questions at

The more happy, the better. Posting new content to your site on a normal schedule has been an SEO suggestion for quite a while, but with Google Hummingbird set up, this change becomes considerably more significant. The more satisfied you are, the more questions your site answers, and the more likely it is to appear in relevant search results.

Past these couple of tweaks, continue to follow the SEO best practises that have been set up for this post-Panda, post-Penguin time. 

Create exceptional content that generates high-quality, relevant backlinks on its own.Use a responsive design that makes it easy for readers to find data from you no matter where they are. Or more importantly, stop attempting to control the search rankings by and large. Think long-term about where Google appears to be heading and make your site as appealing as possible by carrying on honestly and being a decent webmaster.

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